Sunday, 2 October 2011

Received Legal Action Threat

Today I was sat at the music area with the music going towards the beginning of the service. Bishop Mhoira Lauer-Patterson of the Liberal Catholic and Apostolic Church came in to give me a CD for her service next week and told me she had "been instructed" to give me a letter. She was busy and had to go, so didn't stay to hear Chris Pilkington all about the association of the founders of the Co-op and the Unitarians in Rochdale and the shared principles to this day.

The letter to says it was delivered by hand and uses the Church notepaper for her diocese of Northumbria and Rheged.

Headed 'WITHOUT PREJUDICE' in light blue, it then in black ink states that "Taking instruction" from her "Internet lawyer", I am to be aware that on my blog I was "acting independently of the Hull Park Street congregation" and engaged in "illegal acts" on the blog by placing parts of an email from Rt. Rev. Dr. Mhoira Lauer-Patterson in the public domain without permission. I have 48 hours to give a public and personal apology.

Also I am to remove all inflamatory and defamatory articles including her name from this blog within 48 hours.

"Appearing to have blackened the name of Mhoira lauer-Patterson and her character", I have committed the "unpardonable offence" of defamation. "This is an illegal act" and if I persist and do not remove the material, "then legal action will be taken against him."

I am advised that "publishing offensive and defamatory material on the Internet is illegal", that "cannot be described as journalistic licence" as such is "contrary to the code of ethics of journalists".

So she gives notice of the above and "reserves the right to take legal action" should I not comply with her wishes.

Well, oh dear, I spent from the end of 2009 to the start of 2011 going backwards and forwards to my solicitor, and he would not have written a letter like that not at any point "instructed" me to write something similar.

First of all, lawyers do not instruct, either to construct a letter or to hand deliver. Lawyers take instructions from clients. Secondly, letters written in pseudo-legalese are not very convincing, as this one is not convincing.

Just to be kind I'll rewrite the blog entry to remove chunks of the email. But the email chunks were for accuracy. It was an email written in direct language against me - "How dare you..." etc. and accusatory against the General Assembly, wholly based on a blog entry and full of misinformation itself. I might have just binned it, but I am not collaborating in its message. The issues were public ones and were in public.

No I am not apologising or removing anything else.

Now I am, however, bound to quote from another email, and this one matters. This is the necessary section, starting with its title:

Don't take things too seriously Adrian...

From Very Rev Dr Mhoira Lauer-Patterson

Date 2011-09-26, 16:35:17

To Worsfold, Adrian

Dear Adrian: Look, I hate to say this, but you are taking things far too seriously. My points were to ponder over, NOT any criticism of you. I am not accusing you of anything, least of all lacking in research as you always do a far more detailed analysis than I would do. Yes maybe we have gotten off on the wrong foot, so let's start over huh? On the matter of 'privacy' I felt I didn't need to add 'for private info only' as I took it that as a gentleman, you would respect the views of any woman. The problem is that we women talk openly to each other and then we forget it all and start again. I know that men do things differently and don't open up as much, but hey, lets get over it and carry on. Right? Anyway, I attach for your perusal my service sheet for the Harvest Festival on 9 October.

I'm afraid this email completely undermines the letter. As I said, lawyers take instructions from clients. The letter is trying it on for effect.

The letter appears to be of something it is not. It is not close enough to the advice of a solicitor: no solicitor would have even have mentioned a Unitarian congregation or body that was not involved, said I "appeared" to do something (you either do or you don't), written "unpardonable offence"and "illegal acts", or stated that if I didn't comply legal action would be taken and later on only might be taken, nor added the drivel about journalistic licence and ethics, and the solicitor would have given the date of the specific offending blog entry.

It seems that I am not a gentleman and do not respect the views of a woman, but, hey, let's get over it and carry on shall we, or stop playing silly games for appearances. As a gentleman I have removed the chunks of email text in the said blog entry of 24 September 2011. Or perhaps the good bishop wants to spend some money and get a lawyer.


MikeB said...

The Liberal Catholic and Apostolic Church have just lost all credibility now over this. I was thinking of contacting them when they came to Leeds, but not now.

Its a silly letter which makes no sense

They need to lighten up ffs.

Pluralist (Adrian Worsfold) said...

I really hoped that this LCAC could be different. I assumed so, and at some risk and criticism asked Mhoira to take a service and immediately she wanted a line in to Unitarianism and especially Leeds. But this tendency to fall out that is seen in Liberal Catholicism has yet again manifested itself, yet has been done against the General Assembly as she joins instead the UMI and treats the GA as some sort of opposition.

Having received the rough email, and having made my response, with all that controversy, including from Mark Paris, she sent an email to me saying, in effect, lighten up, and I thought it's the best way forward. Next minute, the behaviour is back to before, with an impersonation of a legal letter that is nonsense. If she wants to go down the legal route, then do it properly. Otherwise just let be. I was asked by one if I still want to do the music for her service, but I do it for the church and I don't frankly rate this nonsense. Her email undermines any legal action, and clients do not do (reluctanctly) what lawyers tell them to do: lawyers do what clients instruct (which is often why so many legal actions never get far off the ground).

Chris said...

Legal action coming your way so look forward to it! you twat!


If you have so many qualifications why are you a benifit claimant?

MikeB said...

Not very nice comments

And I've read that kind of tone before. I wouldn't worry too much about theses sorts of posts

As, for Adrian having a Phd, you can email Hull and they will be able to confirm.

Seeker Samuel said...

Well this saga has firmly cemented my decision to stay far away from the Liberal Catholic church and all its various incarnations. I had found a local parish that was close enough for me to commute to Sundays here in the US but the display here has confirmed my suspicion that much of it is about accruing titles and letters after one’s name and sticking one’s finger in the eye of the more mainstream churches. Sorry to find this out, really. But it was pretty obvious from the research I’ve done.

Simon Mapp said...

I'm absolutely ashamed if these comments have come from where I think (I know) they have.

Seeker Samuel would be right to conclude, as he/she does, about titles and the petty but enlarged ego of certain groups.

I can only assure Seeker Samuel that the Liberal Catholic tradition is a broad Church where upon a great deal of good and respectable ministry happens also.

I have found Adrian's blog to be honest and without prejudice; I may not agree with all that is written, I may even (as a new blogger) in time find myself having to answer difficult questions about my own denomination (O.E.C of which I'm very proud) but I have never worried about being misrepresented.

Very Revd Mark Paris said...

And..............................................................................................., Mr Worsford still has not got the message, the message to me is quite clear. Your coming across that the letter you have received has not bothered you and you will continue to cause problems.

It also makes me laugh at some of these post's from other priests, (lol) I see Simon has had a lot to say ! Maybe if he put all that energy in building a parish rather than on here causing problems, there is plenty I can say about you and your church, shall we start? But! By doing that I would bring the L.C.A.C. Into disrepute and we are better than that plus I have a parish to look after as a full time priest, you don't get a parish by sitting on your backside in front of the computer, meeting up with colleagues every few months trying to all look good in your frocks.

Bishop Mhoira's letter is not a threat, I do believe it is a promise as I have heard of the person Dr Mhoira has received legal advice from. I do
strongly say here and now its probably time for this to STOP before it goes further (and It will ! )

Question : Why the attack?

It always seems to me that when someone is doing well, there is always a bunch of cockroaches (with collars ) who will try to upset you, Sad BUT! True!

Oh and Simon if you thought that those silly comments came from me well you are WRONG..... if I have something to say I put my name to it....

Andrew Hall said...

I have always been of the opinion that if you can not say anything good or nice say nothing at all. Firstly let me just say that someone can be highly educated and yet be unemployed. Living in Scotland I find it not a rarity indeed its quite common and there is no shame in it. The Church Adrian and Mhoira are part of I have had little or no contact with so I cannot comment on these issues without extensive research on the subject matter and then may come up wanting. Personal disagreements between friends should be sorted out between them and then and alone public forums are not the best place to air disagreements but what is done is done. The opinions expressed are those of the Individuals concerned and have nothing to do with the LCAC and our brothers and sisters in Christ in the Unitarian church that we have always deeply respect and have widely been on friendly terms with. This much has been made clear but sometimes has a tendency to gets lost along the way. Let me just say this personal attacks on anyone are never good esp between men and woman of faith. So let’s not do that and agree to disagree. This is all the more difficult I grant you when blogs and public statements are involved and it all becomes rather messy. But let’s try and move on in the spirit of forgiveness. I have for a long time now enjoyed this blog and hope to continue to do so in the future Rt. Revd Andrew Hall LCAC

Andrew Hall said...

I have always been of the opinion that if you can not say anything good or nice say nothing at all. Firstly let me just say that someone can be highly educated and yet be unemployed. Living in Scotland I find it not a rarity indeed its quite common and there is no shame in it. The Church Adrian and Mhoira are part of I have had little or no contact with so I cannot comment on these issues without extensive research on the subject matter and then may come up wanting. Personal disagreements between friends should be sorted out between them and then and alone public forums are not the best place to air disagreements but what is done is done. The opinions expressed are those of the Individuals concerned and have nothing to do with the LCAC and our brothers and sisters in Christ in the Unitarian church that we have always deeply respect and have widely been on friendly terms with. This much has been made clear but sometimes has a tendency to gets lost along the way. Let me just say this personal attacks on anyone are never good esp between men and woman of faith. So let’s not do that and agree to disagree. This is all the more difficult I grant you when blogs and public statements are involved and it all becomes rather messy. But let’s try and move on in the spirit of forgiveness. I have for a long time now enjoyed this blog and hope to continue to do so in the future Rt. Revd Andrew Hall LCAC

Pluralist (Adrian Worsfold) said...

Unfortunately, it is far from unknown for people to have Ph.Ds and more and be unemployed. Employers will not employ them according to experience. Should the Unitarian denomination train me then I will not be drawing benefits. I apply for jobs and have had some interviews. I also go through the system in terms of 'providers' and the last one was unable even to find me an appropriate four week placement. I was excused.

All my degrees are legitimate.

I read the letter from Bishop Mhoira Lauer-Patterson and I am quite clear regarding the basis of my response.

Mark Paris's tone in his comments do not help his case. There is no reason to attack the basis of Simon Mapp's ministry, which is surely entirely legitimate.

Pluralist (Adrian Worsfold) said...

As before, I appreciate the comments of Rt. Rev. Andrew Hall. They are very wise and calming. I would like to make the point that I have no desire further to comment on the specific ministry of Mhoira Lauer-Patterson, but I will maintain the substance of what I have written. It is actually not my approach to comment on individuals specifically but on institutions. There is a problem, however, when dealing with the small and very small, and even Anglican controversies have sources in people in office. There was certainly no intent to defame or inflame and nor is there any point in doing so.

I maintain an interest in Old/ Liberal Catholicism and also Free Catholicism that overlapped with Unitarianism, and I still maintain that it should be treated fairly and not with the too easily heard reputation it has carried since its earliest days from its opponents.

Anonymous said...

May be worth looking at this:

think some posters may have problems with number 1 as in the purpose of liable law. If people don't like or are offended by this blog then don't read it. Unless the email is copyrighted then republishing is not illegal in the UK.

Anonymous said...

It's a sad day when things like this happen. What's worse is that new bodies like LCAC pick up on the name 'Liberal Catholic' and yet their charism doesn't really bear any relation to the so-called 'Mother Church' of Liberal Catholicism. They might be ecumenical and inclusive, but generally the similarity ends there. Its a funny old world.