GALCON (Global Anglican Liberals Conference) are starting a movement for Anglican liberals. It is going to be for those who can use elements of Anglican liturgy, but would from time to time want to read from a

A spokesperson said, for example, that one week clergy may want to wear seasonal colours, but another week they might put on druid dress instead. "Let's face it, the Archbishop of Canterbury did." He continued, "We don't want to get personal about the Archbishop, and it's these Instruments of Communion that keep telling us what to do that get in the way. So we will have our own structure."

So the moderates have won in key negotiations. Our group of reporters - and how keen I am on the Hindu lass who learns quickly and is more accurate and measured than me - have watched keenly who has been coming and going, or not doing so. No one saw Don Cupitt or Bishop Spong, so we took it that the moderates were winning. They may be shy, of course, or plotting, or doing some gardening.
There were tense negotiations lasting all week, and we journalists know this because we have been sat outside and heard nothing. No one let us in to the workshops nor told us what key decisions had already been made. We attended all the press conferences, but these were hard to follow and much had to be filled in by our imaginations. We noticed how incomprehensible theologians were quickly replaced by the straight-talking ex-Bishop of Edinburgh, and how his status has risen. One reporter cheekily asked him if his morality was Godless.
Anyway this moderate victory will start a "new reformation", consistent with the interviews earlier on, where one interviewee said, "It's fantastic this, we are going to do what we like. I fancy a doing a naturist liturgy using free downloaded music on an MP3 player."
The group plans its own bishops, clergy and theological colleges, and eventually its own structures, within the obvious legal constraints of existing Anglican institutions (where evangelical, traditional and moderate bishops and some college principals will be told to "go and get stuffed", according to one moderate voice). Students will be put through Westcott House and Queens College Birmingham, once they have been completely captured, and also Harris Manchester College in Oxford might be a good place to do some liberal arts.

Anglicanism has simply failed to take sufficient account of postmodern culture, said the resource paper, called The Church as a Universal Body, and Anglicanism presents itself as far too formally dogmatic. There are too many rules, it claims. 'We should not have to licence Readers and even people who serve.' A passage in a later chapter states, 'It should be possible to have Buddhas and Krishnas on the altar table.' During the worship one priest taking the sermon announced to applause that he had changed his name to Harry Krishna so that members of the parish would keep chanting Harry Krishna. The Rev. Krishna said he had changed his name from Sidney Arthur Budder the same day that he had arrived at the conference.
More than 100 GALCON retired bishops will be unable to present their case at the Lambeth Conference in Kent because retired bishops are not invited, but as there is to be no outcome they don't care. Those few that will attend suggest that they will use the opportunity to train up and become better bishops, whilst having a good argument with those who start an argument with them.
Certain people, like Chris Sugden, Martyn Minns and Wallace Benn have been banned from the GALCON gathering, with a WANTED poster put up, and should they have come in delegates were to raise the alarm by singing:
This little Lib'ral light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.
This little Lib'ral light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.
This little Lib'ral light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, all the time.
Leaders said that GALCON was nothing to do with polyamorous relationships and this was why journalists slept in their own hotels, presumably together.
This, the last day, the movement said it would announce a new name. It will be called Global Anglican Liberals.
This report was not written by Ruth Gledhill, but could have been.
Thank you for making me laugh! lol
I'm pleased. I think you produced an excellent report with those interviews. I'm just baffled since, but I thought I would have some fun.
Mind, check this against what some Liberal Catholics (as in denomination) or Unitarians believe. Or indeed me.
LOL this was hilarious. Sometimes Anglicans take themselves oh so seriously; but it's healthy to have fun along the way.
"Lord, let your laughter ring forth. Be outrageous, ridicule the fraidy-cats, rejoice in all the oddities that freedom can produce. And when you get through kickin' ass and celebratin' the sheer joy of a good fight, be sure to tell those who come after how much fun it was." - Molly Ivins 1944-2007
I like this blog, been reading it regularly since I knew of your comments over at TA.
I'm pleased about that too. Sometimes humour suggests itself, and other times I can only be a misery. Something may suggest itself at Lambeth too, but it may be too funny already.
The late Mgr Ronald Knox once wrote an essay "Reunion All Round" in which he proposed the union of all religions by the simple expedient of adding rubrics to the 1662 Prayer Book. That should even appeal to the GAFCON lot
Unitarians of the broad Church variety were constantly thinking up of ways to have a national Church that could be as broad as possible: the 1662 Prayer Book (which caused the ejection of Puritans, oddly enough) became one potential means to assist towards a unity - though I think the Unitarian practice then of revising liturgy would have to have continued.
Actually, I think we could do with a definition of Anglican liberalism - something that mirrors this GAFCON stuff but challenges it completely. The difference is there would not be any structures, though it could be the basis for some interrelationships.
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