Saturday, 20 June 2009

The Cartoons

Some of you comment from time to time about the cartoons here. They are all by me, though this one started life elsewhere...

Most of them are done with a tablet and pen simply in MS Paint, though the updated Irfan View allows for minimal manipulation, background, and resizing (I tend to elongate pictures upwards). Otherwise they can be drawn on paper and then scanned. This weblog choice requires a backing colour of 255, 255, 206 though sometimes that gets moved a few points even with full colour treatment, and showing at a reduced size can produce an odd background slight shift effect.

Well now all the religious cartoons are available on my actual website, so they come with their own webpages. Some people, the unlucky ones, like the chap above, have more than one drawing to their name! Now go and use them, if you wish: great potential for church magazines! Requests too can be met, on sending a photo - so long as I can use it freely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I really think you ought to see if you can find a commercial outlet for your cartoons. You have a real talent. They are very good.
