The Diocese of Recife is fully incorporated and independent of the Province of Brazil, but with the financial resources to abuse, the Province of Brazil is now suing Recife in Brazilian Court seeking to revoke their corporate status. Bishop Cavalcanti is in real need of financial assistance for legal defence, and any assistance you can give them can be sent to either the AAC marked "Recife," or to Anglican Mainstream in the UK, again, marked "Recife."
The role of Anglican Mainstream illustrated here quite clearly and openly then: boundary crossing and handling some of the money. Just worth noting along the way, for those who would treat it as a regular, mainstream, evangelical organisation.
Meanwhile, the breakaway Pittsburgh diocese of the Southern Cone has elected Robert Duncan as bishop - as intended. No doubt now he will get on with making an isolated Province of GAFCON, though Andrew Goddard would offer it the Covenant, when available, along with some existing provinces that might accept it (assuming GAFCON could be interested - but it would be a useful wheeze for them to claim they are in the Anglican Communion rather than splitting it). In the attempt to offer the Archbishop Bob to be and his organisation legitimacy such a move would probably split the actual Anglican Communion as many would very likely reject a Covenant as so used (if not for several other reasons). Would such a Covenant also be offered to those who get alternative oversight from the British Isles? Is that what the Covenant is for?
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