Monday, 6 December 2010

Lib Cat and Hymns Available Updated

Updated is a webpage on where to find Liberal Catholic and Old Catholic derived personnel. I have added The Order of St. James and altered entries on the short-lived now made defunct Liberal Catholic and Apostolic Church and its recent replacement.

My hymns available webpage, which all service providers to Hull Unitarian Church should consult, is updated. It is now updated given the discarding of Hymns of Worship and the delivery of Sing Your Faith (2010). There is also much more information about my music score copying to produce tunes, with two linked examples saved as .XML files. The page says:

My composing abilities are limited to copying and then adjusting according to how a music output sounds. I enclose two examples of music composition: they are not perfect, as I am still learning, and some symbols are missing. One is For You Shall Go Out with added text below the score and the other is Judas and Mary (the core tune - the scores were turned into verses 1, 2/ 3, and 4 and joined from separate .WAV files) and these are in .XML format, that development from HTML with designer tags that now has such widespread use in such as word processing, spreadsheets, and PDF file writing overlays. Thus these files are read by virtually all music composing software, their application determined not by the .XML extension but by the initial coding in the header. If you view the files you will need to add:

?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?

!DOCTYPE score-partwise PUBLIC "-//Recordare//DTD MusicXML 2.0 Partwise//EN" ""

above the displayed text (copy all then paste into a text editor, then add the above [putting each of the two complete lines within angular brackets (above the comma and full stop on the keyboard)] on top and save with the .XML extension) to make them active in music composing software. A simpler way is to right click on the links above and choose Save Link As in the drop-down menu and thus save the whole file to the computer.

I just urge people to have a go at music copying themselves. If I can do it, anyone can.

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