Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Music System

This morning I was at the church as a new music system was installed. It is absolutely fantastic. I watched as an expert and his worker set it up, and had the company of Chester the dog as a member came in and out and also a chap who cleans and does odd jobs. When back, Chester's owner remarked how the music sort of follows you around in the room space (because of the way it mixes) and before that the odd job man at first thought an actual piano was being played. I happened to put on a piece by Arnold Bax that swirled around, and then Jerusalem with a choir was on that CD. Because of its grand ending, Jerusalem is quite 'soft' most of the time, but here it was like being in the choir and the organ giving incredible power as if we have one. The better choir CD tracks make you feel like you are in the choir; I can imagine people thinking their own voices hardly add to the whole.
There is only a slight learning curve only regarding use because of how it is all arranged. I intended to sit for a time and fiddle with the controls, but what I actually did was sit down with Chester for company and listen to a CD with the variety of music played.
Each speaker has 65W at the 8 ohms setting used, and there are four of them, but the point is that the sound is sweet and balanced. I am asking service takers to exploit the system with their choices of music. The church member remarked that Wagner would sound good and indeed Wagner will be on. Now I can even write hymn music so we can have anything from Hymns for Living and Sing Your Faith but do consult my webpage for what exists.

All praises to Geoff Sedman of Hull who has thought through the equipment, the positioning and everything including my use. He has been at the church three times in all to make his expert decisions. I've enjoyed going to his shop too with conversations that sometimes went on for some time. Everything he said is true and for a good price. He left with our latest magazine and he also knew when the previous church was constructed.

1 comment:

susan s. said...

Now all you have to do is keep people who don't know a thing about the system away from the controls, or it could all be for naught! Or to look on the positive side, teach them the correct way to use it.

I too think there might be a "why should I sing" reaction, but folks like me who are singers would probably enjoy singing along.