Thursday 4 February 2010

Just in Case...

Just in case they haven't written enough, or we haven't got it, Ephraim Radner has written yet more, and more. Here is a taste from this theologian in the centre of his own activity to change the worldwide Anglican Communion. He fights the good fight:

Thinking through matters in this light and making such proposals is hardly a matter of either attempting to stage a coup or playing footsy with corrupt powers. Rather, I believe it to be a responsible path to follow in what we all know to be a longer, more challenging, and difficult journey in our Communion’s vocation. I do not reject the ACC or its members and leaders; I will question vigorously those of their actions I think are ill-advised; I will resist strongly actions that appear to be improper. But the ACC are not my enemies; they are a part of the church of which I am a part. I do not reject the Archbishop of Canterbury. He is in fact someone whose heart and mind I deeply respect in Christ. I will question vigorously, however, judgments he makes or actions he takes that I think are ill-advised; I will even resist those that appear to be improper, as I would any within the church...

This goes on, and on. I bet he'd fight them on the beaches, and in the air. Now what we need is a small wooden box with a lid on top, a long enough screw and a screwdriver, and perhaps first to rub a little bit of lard on to the screw.


Laurence said...

He write....difference is that Radner's views are read widely and influence people

Priscilla said...

Um, Laurence, I've fixed that typo for you:

"He write....difference is that Radner's views are read widely and BEFUDDLE people."

There! No need for thanks. . . .