Thursday 1 October 2009

Archbishop of Anglicanism Shows his Garden

The Archbishop of Anglicanism, the Most Rev. Rowan Tree, today took some seven bishops from across the world through his palace garden. He was leading them up the garden path, being particularly proud of his diocesan borders, where flowers and plants are named after bishops and dioceses.
"You will like this one, John," said the Archbishop. "This is called 'Howeletteritus', a plant that flowers early and frames the rest of the border. It comes indeed from Central Florida. It does tend to die off quickly, once it has appeared."
"And can we get these directly from here?" asked one bishop.
"No I'm afraid not. Much as I cannot but appreciate your interest, and I may say, 'doesn't the garden look lovely,' but there is a proper procedure, unfortunately. You cannot contribute to your gardens by way of being led up this garden path. You have to go only by the official entrances and exits into the Provincial Garden Centres, which you can see are by the road over there and where - as a matter of legal imperative - the signposting is particularly clear."

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